Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lucerne Sketches | Layout Design | Digital

TOP LEFT | Imitates the old school glass bottles that used to get dropped off at your doorstep. I would create a container to hold 6-8 "on-the-go" milk bottles for the consumer who likes to take it with them to work/school etc. I'm debating whether it would be glass or plastic because glass is more eco-friendly, however breakable and heavy. Maybe striving towards an idea of more sustainable/recyclable plastic.

TOP MIDDLE AND RIGHT | These utter bottle designs are based on the idea that people like to get their milk strait from the source from healthy clean cows. It is a play on the idea and would imply freshness and rid the thought of big stainless steal machines that process the milk and make it ready for consumption even though that is what happens. This container would have multiple purposes. It has three separate sections inside that store three types of milk whether that be chocolate, strawberry, and regular milk OR reduced, whole, and non-fat milk. It would dispense your milk through the utters making it simple and easily accessible when you are in a rush in the morning. Also kid friendly.

BOTTOM RIGHT | This is a sleek bottle design that would be my direction if I wanted to go "elegant" with this redesign. It has a stopper at the top that seals in the milk very well and keeps it as fresh as possible for a long time. The handle is in the middle making it easy to hold and pour.

These are some of my design layout directions. Either a fun, vivacious, and bold look OR elegant, sophisticated feel. Also, my typography thought process is shown.


  1. I like the look of your designs at the left. They look clean and modernized but still give the idea that its milk.

  2. I like the utter idea, I'm just not sure where someone would keep that in their house. It would also be hard to tell when you're running out and need to get more. Maybe you could do a combination of the first two ideas and make a six-pack of bottles, with the bottles being the utters sticking down and the outside cardboard packaging holding them together is the cow. I also like the sophisticated feel to the third one since most milk seems kind of cheap, but that would significantly increase the cost and you would need to have something about your product that makes paying more worth it.
