Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Alice In Wonderland | Project 2: Special Edition DVD

I had so many expectations of this movie. I've been waiting for it impatiently along with all the other fans. I finally got to watch it yesterday and it did not disappoint. Tim Burton and the crew who made this lewis carroll dream world come to the big screen in 3D is more than words can describe. With that, I want to do my special edition dvd packaging on Alice in Wonderland.

There is so much saturated energy captured in each character, object, costume, plant, etc that I can use for imagery. Hopefully, I can get it right and not completely tarnish the creativity of wonderland. I will focus on the brilliance of colors, the individual character details, and making a dvd package that will jump off the shelf and be interesting to interact with. I want interaction to be a key thing. That's what makes things fun.

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